
Chat 2.0

New Feature
Chat 2.0

Did you know, that more than one third of all players on elo chat at least once a day on elo? Playing and communicating have always been closely connected. At a classic boardgame we are not only sitting around a table, we are always talking to each other.

That's why we integrated chatting with playing games at elo from day one. But we decided to go one step further.

Chat in Multiplayer Games and in Groups

Last Christmas we introduced multiplayer games. In case you haven't tried your favorite game as multiplayer game yet, you definitely should. In every multiplayer game all players can always chat together in the context of the game. In addition, on the friends tab in elo you have the possibility to create your own groups and organize your virtual board game night via chat.

Mentions for Players

New: If you like to talk to a player in a group, just mention him or her by starting the name with an “@” and pick the name from the list of players once it appears. While this mention serves as link to the profile of that player for the other group members, we also send a notification to the mentioned player, to get you a response quickly.

Links now come with Previews

New: Feel free to finally post links in the chat as well. Not only are they clickable - as you would expect - they now also show a preview of the link target. In case wou want to meet on a Discord server or on Zoom while you play together, just post a link. There is one exception: to avoid misuse, we didn't enable links in the lobby.

New Chat Design

New: To give the chat content all the space it deserves and prepare for the next extensions, we stripped the bubbles. We hope you like the all new design.

This is just the Beginning!

In two weeks from now, you will be able to offer multiplayer games to the members of a group right in the chat. This will be amazing and certainly one of the biggest enhancements to elo so far.

We can't wait to hear (and read) how you like it! Please save the date: on Sunday, 14th of March we are hosting our next Zoom meeting “ask the elo team”.

Enjoy the sunny weekend and keep playing
Michel for the elo team