
We want to appologize!

Tournaments & Puzzles
We want to appologize!

You love elo, were looking forward to the new feature and we screwed it up with the introduction of the daily puzzle leagues. Very annoying!

Big hustle

At least our bug fix was successful on the second attempt and the update was available around noon on Tuesday already. Still we feel like a makegood is required for all the hustle you had.

The makegood

For the makegood activities we have chosen today evening from 19:00 - 24:00 CET.

  • That's why elo will remain ad-free tonight.
  • Each additional attempt at the advent calendar costs only 5 jewels (so that even the darned difficult Saturday can be managed) and
  • should you still need gems, you can buy the big Jewelos bundle with 3,000 Jewelos for half the regular price!

Have a lot of fun on elo tonight!/ Your team at elo